The XCT-SRX controllers ERROR codes are different than the AXE and DCX products. Solid Yellow_ Controller throttle is wide open, controller is supplying max output, and is not in current limit 11 Green LED flashes = Absolute throttle.10 Green LED flashes = USB Comm-throttle.9 Green LED flashes = PUMP Mode (toggle on-off ramp to 100% output).8 Green LED flashes = Reserved for future use.7 Green LED flashes = 5k-0 ohms, 3-wire, ClubCar.6 Green LED flashes = 6-10.25 Volt, Taylor-Dunn.

#Alltr xct controller software#

Relay SOLENOID drive output current: 5 amp peak. Standby Current (Powered Up): <35mA (nom) Undervoltage cutback: adjustable, 16-30 VDCĬontrol voltage KSI key switch and reverse: Type: DC “SHUNT WOUND”separately excited motor comtroller